What You Should Know About the New Sneak Thief Update

What You Should Know About the New Sneak Thief Update

We've just released a new update for Sneak Thief! This update includes a bunch of fixes and new features, so make sure to download it and check it out! Here are the full patch notes
Gameplay changes:

  • Added a new type of floor tile, "Slippery Ice". Slippery ice will cause the player to slide around when walking on it, making it difficult to stay on your feet.
  • Added a new enemy, "Sneaky Ice". Sneaky ice will slide around on the slippery ice tiles, making it difficult to stay away from them.
  • Added a new item, "Ice Skates". Ice skates can be worn to prevent the player from slipping on slippery ice tiles.
  • Added a new item, "Walking Cane". Walking canes can be used to temporarily disable sneaky ice enemies.
  • Added a new item, "Snow Globe". Snow globes can be used to create a temporary winter environment, which will affect various aspects of the game.
  • Added a new item, "Magnet". Magnets can be used to attract nearby coins and gems.
  • Added a new item, "Coin Detector". Coin detectors can be used to locate nearby coins.
  • Added a new item, "Gem Detector". Gem detectors can be used to locate nearby gems.
  • Added a new enemy, "Bomb". Bombs will explode after a certain amount of time, damaging the player and any nearby enemies.
  • Added a new enemy, "Spiked Wall". Spiked walls will damage the player when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Fire Wall". Fire walls will damage the player when touched and will also set the player on fire.
  • Added a new enemy, "Electric Wall". Electric walls will damage the player when touched and will also stun the player.
  • Added a new enemy, "Green Slime". Green slime will slow the player down when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Purple Slime". Purple slime will cause the player to vomit when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Black Slime". Black slime will cause the player to die when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Gas Cloud". Gas clouds will damage the player when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Firefly". Fireflies will fly around the room and will set the player on fire when touched.
  • Added a new enemy, "Spiders". Spiders will crawl around the room and will jump at the player when close.

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